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[1/6] Become a Full Stack .NET Developer: Saving Data

Before implementing saving of data from our form, we need to limit access to the add a gig form to logged in users only. This was done simply by adding a Data Annotation [Authorize] to the Create() method found in the GigsController. So any non-logged in users is automatically redirected to Login form when trying to add a gig.  

[1/4] Become a Full Stack .NET Developer: Building a Model Using Code-first Workflow

After the pre-planning and visual mockup phase was over, we could now start the initial coding of our app's first iteration. For this project we will be using a code-first approach as popularized in recent versions of Entity Framework, that allows us to write the classes for our domain model first and automatically create a database from these, rather than creating a database first and fitting our classes to it.