Hello World!

Hello World!

Hello World! Famous last words in some cases. Hopefully for me it will be the kickstarter for my new blog here in this my inaugural first post. As you can guess from the domain name, this is a personal blog about "moi" - Richard Coffey - a Irish guy new to the blogosphere.

As like a lot of other personal blogs of this nature it will probably take some time for me to get an idea of what my goals are for this blog and to define and refine the topics I like blogging about the most. For now this blog will serve as a repository for all my ideas and musings on things that interest me at the moment from technology & programming I'm researching or showcasing, to movies & music I'm currently enjoying. I'm not claiming to be an expert on anything specific (unlike on my other website - MASSIVEATTACK.IE), I'm just here to chip in on my own opinions on my various interests as they come to me and when the time allows.

I'm not on social media in any real form (Facebook, Twitter etc...), so I kind of like the idea of this blog serving as my only online outlet to express myself. Nor do I have any lofty ambition to make money off this blog or to have a huge readership (or any real readership for that matter). Blogging should be its own reward I believe. Hopefully with this line of thinking I will be stimulated to write more and not get discouraged or lose focus easily. 

So with that introduction out of the way lets get down to the heart of the matter - getting some posts out there and getting into the blogging mindset!

Blog Categories - Technology · Personal

[1/1] Become a Full Stack .NET Developer: Course Introduction

[1/1] Become a Full Stack .NET Developer: Course Introduction